I was in my studio apartment in the West Village in NYC last January 2020, performing real-time live transcription for one of my favorite Paris clients. It was a series of focus groups in New York City and Shanghai for users of Yves St. Laurent perfume. The phone rang. It was the president of Court TV Network, who was given many recommendations about my Live Transcription and Notetaking service. He heard that I was the #1 Rated Live Transcription service in NYC and that there was no one else who even did what I did in the entire Industry.  He heard that my typing speed is 103 wpm and that my product is a fully formatted, bulleted, bolded Transcript which is ready INSTANTLY after the meeting or group – or court session! He wanted to know if I was interested in being in the courtroom in Downtown Manhattan during the entire Harvey Weinstein Trial and performing a Live Transcription of the ENTIRE TRIAL!  I told him to look no further.  I said, “I’m your MAN!” 

I spoke to the Court TV President many times after that. I reminded him that for over 20+ years, I have been the House Transcriber and Live Notetaker for many Board Meetings, Ideation Sessions, Interviews, and Focus Groups. I asked him if there is a lot of that work at the Network Headquarters in Atlanta, and he introduced me to many executives who took a long look at my website. They saw the I am indeed the only company in NYC that provides and specializes ONLY in real-time live transcription and notetaking. I also told him that his executives no longer would have to wait for a long time it takes for transcription transcripts to be completed and returned. I told him, “At KCM ink., Transcripts are Real-Time, Verbatim-Style, and Instantaneous.  That’s the bottom line.

I have many stories about the next 6 weeks sitting in New York State Southern District Court in Lower Manhattan witnessing the Harvey Weinstein trial, while I was VERY busy transcribing and Notetaking the whole time! I devised a custom template, like I do for every new assignment, stenographic abbreviations and symbols for the various attorneys, plaintiffs, etc. And during every break and at the end of the trial day, I took just a few minutes to perform all the formatting and global searches that my dedicated and unique macros require, and in just a few moments, I emailed a Fully Formatted, Bolded and Bulleted Verbatim-Style Transcript of the entire Trial proceedings of the day, while all the other news outlets had to wait until the Court Reporter Transcripts were issued and distributed the next morning!  I would sometimes walk home and look into a sports bar and see the news I had just transcribed and sent to Court TV being reported LIVE by a newscaster!     

At KCM ink., Transcripts are Real-Time, Verbatim-Style, and Instantaneous. That's the bottom line.


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